Mobile Application

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Vehicle Information
Units list management. Get all the necessary information on movement and ignition state, data actuality, and unit location in real time.


Work with unit groups. Send commands to unit groups and search by groups’ titles.
A command is a request that can be sent to a unit. In response, the unit can send its coordinates, take a picture, activate an output, block engine, etc. Available commands depend on the type of device used and its configuration.


Units list management. Get all the necessary information on movement and ignition state, data actuality, and unit location in real time
Geofence, or geographical zone, is an area on the map that is important for user’s tracking purposes and requires special attention. Geofences can be used to control units’ activity in these areas or, on the contrary, outside them. You can choose an image for a geofence or add a description.
A geofence can have a shape of a line (for example, an avenue or any road), polygon (a city or park or plant), or circle with any radius.


Reports. Generate reports by selecting the unit, report template, time interval, and get analytics right where you are at the moment. PDF export is also available.
Reports on the activity of a unit can be presented in the form of tables and graphs. They can be viewed in a browser window, as well as exported to files of various formats.


Chronological records of events.
Our servers store GPS and telematics data sent by your devices. Route history can be accessed from anywhere with the app providing on demand reports of previous routes and other information such as speed, direction, driver behaviour and angle of vehicle to name a few.


Map Mood
Access units, geofences, tracks and event markers on the map with the option to detect your own location.
The Map mode is designed to locate current position of units and track them. On the map, there can be displayed only those units which have the Show on map flag enabled in their properties. A unit is represented with its icon and with name. Besides, it can have a tail (red line) that shows its movements.
If you click on a unit displayed on the map, in the tooltip you can see the detailed information about this unit. To move the map, just drag it to the desired direction. Current scale is displayed at the bottom.